This award-winning documentary film and surrounding campaign, “Find Your Surfing,” was written, directed and produced by Curtis Birch. The Nike ‘Black History Month’ effort, “12 Miles North: The Nick Gabaldon Story,” uncovers the never-been-told-before story of the first-documented African American Surfer, Nick Gabaldon Day. 12 Miles North built an online audience of over 1,000,000 unique viewers with 1.3 million+ Facebook likes and 22 million overall media impressions. Winner of a 2014 Webby Award in the sports film category, 12 Miles North is “Unlike any surf film you’ve ever seen,” according to ESPN’s Jake Howard and inspired Santa Monica’s annual ‘Nick Gabaldon Day’, now in it’s sixth year.
Watch the full film here: 12 Miles North–The Nick Gabaldon Story